E' molto vecchio, il mondo,
ma il tempo gira in tondo,
e il mondo nasce ancora
nel tempo in cui rinfiora.
Da tanto il mondo esiste,
e qualche volta è triste:
ma ogni margherita, nascendo, gli dà vita.
L'età del mondo è antica
ma Primavera, amica,
lo fa tornar bambino,
con le Fate vicino.
Bellissime foto... e che collezione di tazzine... mi fai venire voglia di rivoluzionare casa mia...
RispondiEliminaciao Elisa
Hallo, I am so inspired a photo more than fantastically than other.And these wonderful flowers in the splendid colours are enchanting.Love greetings,Elke.
RispondiEliminaAmazing colors! Your home is both gracious and have the artist's eye for decorating....Thanks you for sharing....Happy thoughts for today! Laura
RispondiEliminaI LOVE your cupboard with the French china, what a wonderful collection!!! Annelies
RispondiEliminaj'adore le rose comme toi et la vaisselle avec des roses.
RispondiEliminaje vais penser a toi je pars demain a Venise.
bises petite italienne rose.
C'est vraaaiiii???? Alors après de Venise.... venez chez moi!!!!!???
RispondiEliminaBell armario o deve essere armadio ;) hai. MI piacce troppo il colore. E i fiori sono da sognare da 'estate e sopratutto il sole.
RispondiEliminasaluti desiree
Wonderful...I love these pictures...they have such a calm and gentle style!!
RispondiEliminaJe découvre votre blog grace à Corinne et je découvre en même temps que je suis en Italie! Quel beau pays, un pays que j'aime particulièrement... Bravo pour ce si joli blog!
RispondiEliminaTrès amicalement, Kenza
Another Stunning post! I love the colours of the stocks and they grey piece of furniture. What a beautiful place you have!
RispondiEliminaIf you take a look at my blog, you will see I have an award for you.
Isabelle x
Mama mia, come tutte e bello !!! magnifico, questi fiori et altri cosi
The whole color scheme is so yummy. Stock is one of my favorite flowers...the scent is intoxicating. The book you show is that one you made?'s beautiful.
Hi. Love, love, love your blog. I found you today through Suzy's Vintage Attic. The photos are beautiful. I will be checking back to read more regularly.
RispondiEliminaChe colori, che foto, una vera gioia per gli occhi!
FOR CAROLE:I'm very happy that you like, and it's true!!, the scent is really intoxicating! The book isn't one that I made but you give me an ispiration!!! Maybe!!!!It is about flowers' fairy, the author is Cicely Mary Barker!Do you know?
RispondiEliminaFor BONJOUR MADAME:tank you very much for your lovely comment,and I wait you soon!
Suzy's Vintage Attic such a sweet girl!!!!
Cinzia: E' sempre un piacere scoprire di poter regalare un po' di gioia a qualcuno, mi fa stare bene!Grazie
What a lovely start too my day looking at your beautiful pictures and your lovely home.
RispondiEliminaHave a lovely weekend and I hope you get the magazine soon!
Love Lou xxx
RispondiEliminaWonderful pictures!I love flowers and romantical
Have a nice week.
Hi Mate
RispondiEliminaSuch a lovely post, I just had to come back and have another look at it!
Isabelle x
Hi, thank you for visit my blog!
RispondiEliminaI found you this morning, you have a really nice blog!
Greets Heidi
ce bog me fait rever que de belles photos et c'est quoi le nom des fleurs?
RispondiEliminaPour TITOUSETDROLESSE: Bonjour merci pour tes belles mots.Je suis heureux quand quelqu'un reve avec mes photos!!!! Le nom des fleurs est "giroflée". A bientot!
RispondiEliminaThe flowers Oh MY!~ Are they Stocks? I grow them in my greenhouse, but never have I seen them so big..& so beautifully colored, I can only imagine how beautiful they must smell! Also LOVE all of your china~especially the blue & white~such a beautiful color of blue! And your hutch/china cabinet is gorgeous!!
RispondiEliminaAnother beautiful inspiring post!!
Can't wait to see more!
Happy Spring!