Tutto è in movimento, tutto cambia e si veste di teneri colori! Quando sono andata in giardino per raccogliere qualche fiore,come ogni venerdì,....:fiori bianchi e fiori blu sono sbocciati un po' ovunque! Ma che meraviglia!!!
Passeggiando ancora un po'fino ad arrivare in un altro splendido giardino...ho trovato una splendida sorpresa!C'E' UNA FATA IN QUEL GIARDINO!?!
Ecco quindi l'ispirazione...
OH...I LOVE all of your Blue & white things!! My heart was racing which each beautiful picture~Each more beautiful than the last~I kept thinking, oh this is such a Beautiful post,It is so ME..then I get to the bottom & read you dedicated this post to me~:D...you have made my day so very special~ I love all the different shades of blue~the blue teapot is so pretty I love that shade of blue, & the beautiful plate..the teacups they are my favorite,I simply love everything, your dishes are so beautiful, & the platter is gorgeous..so is the tutu! And the little blue flowers, & the flowers from your garden!
RispondiEliminaThank~you again so much for your blue & white post! :)
Have a beautiful weekend!!
Le tue foto sono sempre stupende!!!
RispondiEliminaCiao Elisa
Più seguo questo blog...più mi piace!
RispondiEliminayou have all so bautiful things.Where you have here?????? I love your blog.
Warm hugs,
Ciao Matte! Bellissimo post e bellissime foto!
RispondiEliminaBuon week end!
Such lovely soft shades of blue......I feel inspired to now dig around my own things to find similar shades.....thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures! Be well, Laura
RispondiEliminaHi Mate
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for your kind & thoughtful comments on my blog. It was very much appreciated!
Another beautiful post. Bleu & white is a beautiful combination and has long been a favourite of mine, so fresh looking. I do like the posy of flowers.
Take care
Isabelle x
Wonderful blue objects! I love the plates...
Oh I love this blue in all these photo's. They are so beautiful....the little dress.....
RispondiEliminaso quete.
Nice evening
I just love love the blue enamel pitcher.
RispondiEliminaHappy Easter, Jeannette
I did n't stop by because I was sooooooo busy, I love your pictures!! it is asthough I look at my own things, we have so much in common...the blue white china, the flowers, the teapot....just so lovely!!